Thursday, 29th February 2024
Cherry Bar are thrilled to present Women of Soul – Australia’s premier collective of female songwriters and performers. Across six performances, witness Melbourne’s own fierce femme ensemble live at Cherry, before they perform at the iconic Byron Blues and Roots Festival in April.
Kicking off February 7th, Women of Soul bring their powerhouse live show to Cherry, featuring vocalists Chelsea Wilson, Candice Monique, Fem Belling, Carla Troiano, Alzzy and Germaine McCerthy.
For over ten years, Women of Soul have presented original soul featuring artists such as Mo’Ju, Clairy Browne, Kylie Auldist, Stella Angelico and many more. In 2023 they released their critically acclaimed album ‘Feel Good’. Nominated for the 2024 Australian Music Prize, the album is significant as the first LP in Australia to be entirely composed, performed and produced by an all-female team.
Thursday Feb 8 – Germaine McCarthy, Candice Monique, Chelsea Wilson
Thursday Feb 15 – Germaine McCarthy, Fem Belling, Chelsea Wilson
Thursday Feb 22 – Candice Monique, Fem Belling, Chelsea Wilson
Thursday Feb 29 – Chelsea Wilson, Carla Troiano, Candice
Thursday March 7 – Germaine McCarthy, Fem Belling, Alzzy
Friday March 8 International Women’s Day – Candice Monique, Carla Troiano, Chelsea Wilson, Alzzy
Drums: Emily Shaw
Bass: Holly Brick
Guitar: Stella Anning
Keys: Vashti Sivell
Sax: Jess Mahler
Trumpet: Ash Ballat
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3m 28s
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