Friday, 3rd November 2023
Perhaps you know Dave “Red, Redro, Redriguez” Whip? Singer, Guitar player, songwriter, and a live sound engineer that mixed 5000 bands at Cherry from 2009 to 2017.
A recording engineer, and producer that recorded, and mixed records for Stiff Richards, Spawn, Watty Thompson and many others! And you may have stood shoulder to shoulder with him at one of many shows he has attended in over 30 years of gigs.
Well the poor guy got diagnosed with cancer in March 2021 and has been working on getting rid of it ever since. Even though Red has been aided by our governments benevolent health system, he has been struggling with fatigue, and medications, and has had to lower his workload. Red also needs the help of natural therapies which medicare won’t pay for, and are also rather expensive.
This man that has contributed all he can to Melbourne music needs financial assistance to keep a roof over his head and to get healthy once again so that he can keep mixing, creating, and serving the artists, and punters of the great Port Phillip Bay music scene.
Tix $20 or $50 or $75 + B/fee you choose your price. All proceeds to Red.
Next Friday 3 Nov
7pm Shannon Bourne
7.45pm Matt Black (Fireballs) Continental Snarl
8.30pm Dave Larkin
9.15pm Gazillion Angry Mexicans
10pm Redro’s Inner Demons
10.45pm SPAWN
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Standing only
(03) 9071 2434