Saturday, 13th April 2024
Mac The Knife + Mr Industry + Human Noise
Mac The Knife’s long awaited E.P “In the Shadow of it All” has finally landed, and to celebrate they are taking their wild punk show of chaos and catharsis on the road.
“In The Shadow of it All” is for everyone grappling with the transformative years of their early twenties. It’s a raw, unflinching look at the anxieties and excitement that come with forging your own path, of vulnerability and strength that resonates with anyone who has ever felt both lost and hopeful.
Joining them in Naarm will be Mr. Industry & Human Noise (Solo).
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3m 28s
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Leadership Speaker, Foremost Expert in the Leadership and Management
Randall Williamson is a Leadership keynote speaker, the CEO and founder of LeadCaoch. Morbi vehicula risus ante, vel ultricies ligula tincidunt quis. Morbi eros est, luctus nec porttitor a, dapibus nec lorem.
Integer quis aliquam eros. Phasellus tortor lacus, malesuada id varius eget, dignissim ac augue. Aenean congue magna nunc, vitae ornare nisi sollicitudin at.
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