Friday, 10th May 2024
FRI May 10th
Luna’s Dark Secret + The Straight Shooters + Forklift Assassins
Luna’s Dark Secret are a 3-piece Australian Hard-rock, Alternative rock, High energy rock
band from Melbourne, Australia. The band formed in 2022 from a collection of Rock loving Gen Xers who got together after all 3 members who were in other bands decided to start jamming, the chemistry instantly connected them, and the magic commenced.
All 3 members have a broad love of Heavy metal, hard rock, classic rock, and alternative rock genres giving Luna’s Dark Secret a great eclectic mix of rock sounds and styles. A mix of old and new Bands such as Bring me the Horizon, Iron Maiden, Mammal, Ra, Foo Fighters, AC/DC, Queens of the Stone Age and Rammstein are all heavy influencers of the band.
Their unique brand of entertainment fuses Hard hitting, high energy rock grooves and Heavy, dark, slower tunes, with masks to create some mystery and anonymity and a surprising change of rock styles during every gig that will make you want to want more!!
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3m 28s
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Aliquam ipsum lorem, tempus at lorem et, condimentum semper sem.
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Leadership Speaker, Foremost Expert in the Leadership and Management
Randall Williamson is a Leadership keynote speaker, the CEO and founder of LeadCaoch. Morbi vehicula risus ante, vel ultricies ligula tincidunt quis. Morbi eros est, luctus nec porttitor a, dapibus nec lorem.
Integer quis aliquam eros. Phasellus tortor lacus, malesuada id varius eget, dignissim ac augue. Aenean congue magna nunc, vitae ornare nisi sollicitudin at.
Standing only
(03) 9071 2434