Friday, 2nd August 2024
When it comes to AC/DC, this band cranks out a massive sound.
A band of great musicians, from locals acts like ACDSHE, Sweet Death Machine, SCAT, This is a show that will have you wanting to see it again & again!
Hard hitting, authentic tones and some ripping classics form both Bon and Brian to keep the feet and head banging along.
VOLTS are one of the very best Tribute shows around! with a visual experience that is authentic and action packed. Get along to a show soon and be ready for a face melting performance! As the classic ACDC songs says, “What ‘ya do for money honey…….. “
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3m 28s
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Leadership Speaker, Foremost Expert in the Leadership and Management
Randall Williamson is a Leadership keynote speaker, the CEO and founder of LeadCaoch. Morbi vehicula risus ante, vel ultricies ligula tincidunt quis. Morbi eros est, luctus nec porttitor a, dapibus nec lorem.
Integer quis aliquam eros. Phasellus tortor lacus, malesuada id varius eget, dignissim ac augue. Aenean congue magna nunc, vitae ornare nisi sollicitudin at.
Standing only
(03) 9071 2434