Friday, 17th January 2025
Champ Ruby is a 5-piece band from Melbourne/Naarm. Their tastes are changing, and so is their sound. Now, creating more jagged and angular guitar riffs with grouped vocals, their stage presence is beginning to evolve.
GetJaxxed is a four-piece indie rock band tearing up Melbourne’s underground. With raw energy, melodic riffs, and intense chemistry, they’re shaking up the local scene, while leaving behind their mark in the trans music scene.
Select All is an underground grunge four-piece hailing from Melbourne, Australia. The band undercuts their noisy, gritty guitar tones, surrealist lyrics and angsty attitudes with enough pop melodicism to create a sound unlike anything average listeners have heard before. They are determined to bring alternative grunge back above the surface with their newest single ‘Paraphernalia.’
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3m 28s
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Leadership Speaker, Foremost Expert in the Leadership and Management
Randall Williamson is a Leadership keynote speaker, the CEO and founder of LeadCaoch. Morbi vehicula risus ante, vel ultricies ligula tincidunt quis. Morbi eros est, luctus nec porttitor a, dapibus nec lorem.
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