Saturday, 21st September 2024
Using only the finest ingredients, sourced directly from the rich history of popular music, Red Liquorice serve their unique brand of groove-infused rock with a nod to the past, an eye to the future, and a light dusting of that sweet sweet sugar.
Writing team Juan and Mendoza were brought together in the unlikely place of an iconic Aussie boot shop, where they worked as sales reps.
Once they realised their passion for music, it quickly became more about songwriting and less about selling, often closing shop to create songs.
The Melbourne-based quintet have only recently debuted on the live circuit, yet their decades of combined experience would suggest otherwise. Co-produced by the band and Ben Edgar (Gotye, Angus & Julia Stone, Matt Corby, Boy & Bear, Dope Lemon), their first single Evermore was released in June of 2024.
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