Friday, 30th August 2024
Hey World! You can keep on being a jerk if you want but HOSS will not be taken down. HOSS are back in fine fettle after a couple of natural disasters threatened its very soul. HOSS return to CHERRY, and to MELBOURNE ITSELF for the first time this year on Friday August 30th. Combining the best and tastiest elements of Harder Rock since the dawn of Rock, up to about, um, say…1996?
HOSS is all the stuff you love in one band. Apart from the jumping around and face paint. Please get there early for the rockin’ jiggerypokery of the newly resuscitated Jape Squad! Memories! Melodies? Whatever, This promises to be a glorious night of rarified, pure, beautiful rock. It may seem ‘too much’ but it will prove just right.
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3m 28s
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Leadership Speaker, Foremost Expert in the Leadership and Management
Randall Williamson is a Leadership keynote speaker, the CEO and founder of LeadCaoch. Morbi vehicula risus ante, vel ultricies ligula tincidunt quis. Morbi eros est, luctus nec porttitor a, dapibus nec lorem.
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