Chasing Ghosts ‘Amnesia Everybody’ Tour

Saturday, 12th October 2024

Destroy All Lines Presents..

Chasing Ghosts ‘Amnesia Everybody’ Tour | Melbourne
With special guests Mudrat

NAARM Aboriginal lead indie punk band Chasing Ghosts return to rooms across the east coast of Australia with their new single ‘Amnesia Everybody.’ The new single continues where the band left off with their critically acclaimed EP Homelands.
Produced by ARIA Nominated producer Stevie Knight ( Stand Atlantic, Redhook, Yours Truly) and mixed by James Paul Wisner (Paramore), ‘Amnesia Everybody’ is Chasing Ghosts at their finest, up-tempo indie punk with thought provoking lyrics.
Front man Jimmy Kyle hails from Thungutti Country, and has emerged as one of Australia’s most important indigenous songwriters in recent years.

About the new single Jimmy Kyle states “Anthropologist W.E.H. Stanner talked about “The Cult of Forgetfulness”, and “The Great Australian Silence” in reference to non-indigenous Australians and their failure to acknowledge not just the atrocities of our past, but in also choosing to not think about them at all. Instead, a different history arose in Australia – one of negative stereotypes that victim-blamed First Nations Peoples for our own marginalisation and systematic decimation. This song references the stark realities and historical data of this country’s background; that 50% of Australian massacres that were led by colonial police and often murderous politicians…and yet it is these same perpetrators who have streets named in their honour, heritage listed graves, statues, electorates, towns, and cities; glorifying their names and misrepresenting their reputations for sanitised and palatable amended versions of history”

After appearing at Good Things Festival, supporting notable acts such as The Smith Street Band, The Hold Steady and John Floreani, the Amnesia Everybody tour sees Chasing Ghosts playing three intimate headline shows in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne creating an intimate experience like no other. Joining Chasing Ghosts on all dates is Naarms very own MUDRAT. Creating music that draws from his perspective of the world, life experience and cultural roots and political beliefs he has quickly cultivated a reputation for his versatility, raw energy & powerful live performances. MUDRAT blends punk, metal & hip-hop influences with booming vocals and is set to ruffle a few feathers going into 2024.

Foundations of Leadership Coaching

Vestibulum eu ex consectetur aliquempor nisl.

  • What is Leadership development?
    1m 19s
  • Declare your promise to your customers

    3m 28s

  • Values & Vision - Leading the Way
    2m 30s
  • Time & Energy Management
    3m 30s

Core Compentencies of Leadership

Praesent efficitur vitae purus tincidunt dapibus.

  • Everything start with Why
    1m 55s
  • Strengthend your Leadership
    6m 14s
  • Leading Change
    2m 58s
  • Being Health and Profitable
    1m 22s

Building Professional Leadership

Aliquam ipsum lorem, tempus at lorem et, condimentum semper sem.

  • Your Company Culture starts with you
    1m 35s
  • Everything start with Why
    5m 8s
  • Strengthend your Leadership
    2m 5s
  • Leading Change
    2m 15s
  • Being Health and Profitable
    2m 38s

Practicum in Leadership Coaching

Aenean congue magna nunc, vitae ornare nisi sollicitudin at.

  • Strengthend your Leadership
    1m 35s
  • Everything start with Why
    5m 8s
  • Company Culture Improvement
    2m 5s
  • Leading Change
    2m 15s
  • Summay
    2m 38s

Randall Williamson

Leadership Speaker, Foremost Expert in the Leadership and Management

About Speaker Randall Williamson

Randall Williamson is a Leadership keynote speaker, the CEO and founder of LeadCaoch. Morbi vehicula risus ante, vel ultricies ligula tincidunt quis. Morbi eros est, luctus nec porttitor a, dapibus nec lorem.

Integer quis aliquam eros. Phasellus tortor lacus, malesuada id varius eget, dignissim ac augue. Aenean congue magna nunc, vitae ornare nisi sollicitudin at.

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  • Seating Options

    Standing only

  • Call Box Office

    (03) 9071 2434